Viewer applications residing in the sample directory of the OpenNI package do not visualize a 3D point cloud, but display a 2D projection image. I implemented the viewer which visualizes the 3D point cloud with use of the OpenNI and OpenGL on Xcode4.3.3. The compile options are as follows:
- Other Linker Flags: /usr/lib/libOpenNI.dylib -framework OpenGL -framework GLUT -lboost_program_options
- Header Search Paths: /usr/include/ni /opt/local/include
- Library Search Paths: /opt/local/lib
The paths /opt/local/include and /opt/local/lib are for using the boost libraries.
When running the executable file without any arguments, the following output is displayed:
To run the viewer, you have to pass the path to the SamplesConfig.xml.
I verified my viewer with only default parameters. My source code is
I summarized the installation procedures of the OpenNI
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